Oklahoma City Engagement / Andrew & Melissa / Pre-Release
Here is one image from a recent engagement shoot with Melissa and Andrew (a.k.a. -------M+A--------)
I met Andrew through one of my best friends and now he is beginning to be a part of redevelopment and furtherance of my websites and blog. (coming sometime)
This is a light painting shot that is all done in camera or I should say on scene. All you photogs liked the last quiz so let's hear it, how is this done? (I know it's an easy one)

M + A are getting married in May next year and I cant wait to work with them more. They are very cool people and have an awesome group of friends!
I met Andrew through one of my best friends and now he is beginning to be a part of redevelopment and furtherance of my websites and blog. (coming sometime)
This is a light painting shot that is all done in camera or I should say on scene. All you photogs liked the last quiz so let's hear it, how is this done? (I know it's an easy one)

M + A are getting married in May next year and I cant wait to work with them more. They are very cool people and have an awesome group of friends!
Cool shot. Very well done.
It's an long exposure. Camera on tripod. Shutter open. You run in front of camera, dressed in black, with a light in hand, drawing your art.
Obviously there is more at work here, as in lighting the subjects from right and left of frame. Maybe some dodging and burning, and maybe even multiple images layered on each other.
That's my guess.
Very nice. I love it.
winner winner! All correct. I popped the flash a couple times at first and they were very blurry but then tried it with about 10 flashes from my speed light and that worked. Only thing wrong is I wasnt wearing black :) as long as light doesnt hit me, I dont show up.
and of course there is always some finishing in PS
My camera did have a near death experience during this shoot though. A car was swerving to dodge me and almost hit my camera on the tripod in the middle of the road.
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